It's a bit of a dodgy day today weatherwise, so I'm playing safe and staying indoors. I have been doing a couple of Open University courses while I'm still at home for the kids and I have my final exams to submit for my computing course. I thought I should probably make a start as it involves programming (:-s), so no crafting for me today.
It's my MILs birthday today and it's her card that I'm sharing today.
I used one of my magnolia stamps, Martha, and have her sitting on a frame made using my trusty nestabilities (what
The papers are from K & Co and I love these ones. I have paper pieced Marthas dress using them too.
Flowers are from Sarah's cards and the sentiment is from a HOTP stamp set. The letters were cut using the cuttlebug and the harmony alphabet.
1 comment:
I love how you have her sitting on the edge!
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