Monday 28 April 2008

Spring Lambs

Todays picture is specially for my lovely friend Treacle's children :-)

Recently she and her hubby took the kids to a sheep and lamb place and had a lovely day. I guess I am really lucky where I live....I have the sea on one side and open country on the other. I was standing at my kitchen window today watching these lambs. The one standing up was hillarious, standing all over it's brother or sister and the other one was just letting it do it.....LOL!

I tried to get a picture of them earlier when they were both jumping about but they hid when I went out to the garden!!

1 comment:

Treacle said...

Ah thank you so much T. They are so cute.

I'll show them both when my t'internet connnection is back up and running at home. (i've snuck round my sisters to use her wireless connection lol)
